速報APP / 社交 / Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make

Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make





版本需求:Android 5.0 以上版本




Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make Friends.(圖1)-速報App

Jumppi is the app for going out and doing fun activities right away.

Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make Friends.(圖2)-速報App

You feel like you want to go out ?

Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make Friends.(圖3)-速報App

Try out a new sport ?

Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make Friends.(圖4)-速報App

Or simply just have a coffee and a walk ?

Jumppi - Join fun group activities. Make Friends.(圖5)-速報App

On Jumppi, you can find a group for that activity in your city, and be part of it, on the spot.

Maybe you can't find someone who's in the mood for the same activity you are ? You can post a new activity yourself. Select the group size, get place recommendations, set the time, and others will join. Just come out and play